Spine Problems or Any Joint Pain

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Back Problems :

Low back pain is one of the most common health ailments. It affects nearly everyone at some stage of active adult life.

Common causes :

The presentation of low back pain can differ as shown in the picture :

  • In approximately 10% of people, cause can be identified through diagnostic imaging.
  • Evidence shows that passive modalities have no role in the management of back pain, but the use of manual therapy is more effective for pain relief.
  • So, a thorough explanation of the problem and how to manage it with exercises and work ergonomics without passive interventions helps to reduce pain and prevent further recurrences.

Neck Problems :

Neck problems are the second most common problem faced by adults at any age.

Common causes :

So, these are some of the common reasons for neck pain.
However, the presentation of neck pain can be varied in different patients as below :

  • Pain felt in neck or shoulder .
  • Pain around the shoulder blade, upper or lower arm .
  • Pain in the hand or pins and needles in the fingers or numbness .

So, a well experienced certified Mckenzie physiotherapist with her clinical skills and assessment can categorise your pain as mechanical or non mechanical in origin. Based on the thorough assessment an exercise programme is planned to abolish pain and restore normal function and mobility along-with prevention of recurrent episodes of pain.

Musculoskeletal Problems :

  • Musculoskeletal impairments comprises of the conditions that affect the system and are characterized by impairments in the muscles, bones, joints and adjacent connective tissues leading to temporary or lifelong limitations in functioning and participation.
  • Musculoskeletal conditions are typically characterized by pain (often persistent) and limitations in mobility and dexterity, reducing people’s ability to work and participate in society.
  • Studies show that prevalence of musculoskeletal problems is more in the large joints like shoulder, knee, ankle and hip followed by small joints pain,
    Hence, a detailed history-taking, mechanical evaluation helps decide the patient management plan for complete pain relief.
